Tuesday, June 15, 2010

First Quilted Project :)

I hope no one was expecting a quilt, or even a table runner....I only made some quilted bibs. Very exciting as my little one still wears them, and my next one will too, and I know lots of other pregnant ladies right now, so they are great for gifts. Pretty easy and satisfying since they only take about an afternoon (or a long naptime).
Here are some pics of my sweet bibs that'll soon be covered with food, drool, and spit-up:

Bib #1 being modeled:

Other side of Bib #1:

Bib #2:

Other side of Bib #2:

I could've made a bunch more, but we're getting ready to go to California TOMORROW (woohoo!!), so there is much packing and preparing to be done! :)


  1. I thought I had commented on your bibs already but maybe I just thought about doing so. Somedays I have total mama brain.

    You should blog about your Cali adventures while you are there. Miss you friend!
