Wednesday, June 30, 2010

California Dreamin'

We're having a wonderful time here in northern CA!! Sorry no pics because our camera battery died and we didn't bring a charger, so I sent it home with the hubs as he's back in GA now. I think I got a few pics in, but I can't remember! We've been enjoying the WONDERFULLY sweet cool weather, Nana and Papa, Abuelita and Grandpa, and all the aunties and uncles (the little one has many). We've been camping, swimming in cool (well, maybe freezing is more accurate!) rivers, shopping with Nana, taking long warm baths, getting Starbucks and going thrifting with old friends, knitting, going on walks with our new double Bob jogger (how the heck are we gonna get it home?!), fellowshipping with the community of believers, and just enjoying being with our families. I think the local zoo and Redwood-filled park are on the agenda for tomorrow....Happy 4th of July (we're going to my great-grandma's 90th birthday!!).   :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

First Quilted Project :)

I hope no one was expecting a quilt, or even a table runner....I only made some quilted bibs. Very exciting as my little one still wears them, and my next one will too, and I know lots of other pregnant ladies right now, so they are great for gifts. Pretty easy and satisfying since they only take about an afternoon (or a long naptime).
Here are some pics of my sweet bibs that'll soon be covered with food, drool, and spit-up:

Bib #1 being modeled:

Other side of Bib #1:

Bib #2:

Other side of Bib #2:

I could've made a bunch more, but we're getting ready to go to California TOMORROW (woohoo!!), so there is much packing and preparing to be done! :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fun Weekend

We enjoyed a fun, HOT weekend here at hot, in fact, we had to bust out the pool:

Some organic, yummy bounty from our (Jonathan's) garden:

The little one helping Mama make zucchini bread:

Fellowship and dinner with friends, garage sales, making gifts for a friend's baby shower, date night with the hubband, church, pool, eating fresh produce....all adds up to a blessed weekend!