Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Before and After Living Room

Alright...here are the before and after pictures of our living room--only remember that this is only showcasing the color, not the room itself. Because it obviously needs more attention. Like things on the walls. And furniture. We still need to get a couch. Just keep that in mind--> this is not the final product!

We liked the previous color when we toured the house, and then right when we moved in.....but over time, it started feeling like a DUNGEON (maybe that's because I laid and stared at the walls for 7 weeks straight while I was in my first trimester, feeling sick and horrible). We needed something bright and cheerful; we both agreed that we loved the color of our living room in our old place in CA, so we tried to find a close match.

Very bright.

Cozy and cheerful. Okay, my first thought was "Whoa, too bright!", but then I really started to like it, and when the room is a bit more occupied (furniture and deco), I think it'll tone it down a little. We are happy with it (how can you not be happy in such a cheerful, sunshiney room?!). :)


  1. Oh, it did brighten it up greatly. I like it!

  2. Love the new paint color!!

  3. Hi Gent Family, Your home is beautiful and the color is warm, bright and cheerful. Wish we would have talked to you sooner as we painted our study what we thought was yellow, but at night it appears to be an unimaginable shade of green. Time to repaint! Love you all~ The other Gents
