Monday, November 29, 2010

Little things I love...

-Clean sheets
-Lists (ha!)
-Apple crisp (esp. the topping)
-A full tank of gas
-Uncluttered counters
-Yellow lab puppies
-A hot bath
-Reading in a hot bath
-Reading in a hot bath with dessert
-Being called "Mama" and "Mommy"
-Yankee Candle's Fall scents
-Finding a great deal at the thrift store

...What're some little things you  love?


  1. I also love clean sheets, which last all of one day in my house. Sometimes I think Brian brings the dog under the covers just to make it all funky.

  2. I love clean sheets and reading in the bath too. Oh and of course thrift store shopping. I was at goodwill this afternoon while the packers were at our house! ha!!

    And I love you!
