Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Two and Twenty-eight.

Our little "Jig" is 2!! He was none the wiser, and could've played with the first toy he unwrapped all night long :) Here are some pics of our little man:

 He was not that into the Mama-made apron...

For my birthday, we spent the afternoon at the North Georgia Folk Festival. There were some great (and a few not-so-great) musicians, and we had a lovely day with friends and cool weather.

               There was a very talented face painter.

 I didn't move from this chair most of the day (huge belly) :)

Thursday, August 23, 2012


The little doll is four!!! We went on a short family getaway to Blue Ridge, Georgia, and had fun swimming, getting apples to make apple butter, and riding on the Blue Ridge Scenic Railway (a hit for our train-loving girl!). Here are some pics of the requested birthday dress Mama made for her, and of our trip to "North Georgia":

Little man was quite upset I pulled him from his Daddy in order to document I was acutally on this trip! :)

Handsome hubband and I.

All (five) of us.

Monday, January 9, 2012

The ladies have been working...

When we returned home from our Christmas vacation in CA, we found that our chickens had finally started producing! Lulu, Gretel, and Lady Jane Grey are now earning their (delicious!) keep :)