Thursday, June 30, 2011


Last month we went camping in Pisgah National Forest in North Carolina with some dear friends. We had fun during the day...The little ones had colds and were up most of the night unable to breathe through their noses, and it ended up being in the upper 30's--really cold. So the second night we stayed with our friends parents in their beautiful lodge-like home 5 miles away. We hiked up the Blue Ridge and saw some beautiful mountains...I forget how much I miss mountains here in GA until I see's sad when your 2 year old points to a tall building and says "Mommy! A mountain!"...ahem....anyways, she did a great job hiking and wants to go again! Here are the visuals:

                                                               Handsome hubband


This progression of pictures is funny. Trying to get 8 people looking at the camera (smiling is an extra bonus!) at once is quite a challenge. I have new respect for my mom-in-law having wrangle everyone together for the yearly family photo (16 ppl and counting).

                                                                   Sunbonnet Sue

Friday, June 10, 2011

I (used to) heart Old Navy

I really like Old Navy. I shop there quite frequently for myself, the hubby, the kiddos, and gifts for people. However, I don't think a clothing store should be pushing a political agenda, and promoting a destructive and sinful lifestyle: homosexuality.

The retail chain is now selling shirts for its "Love Proudly: Pride 2011" campaign and donating 10% of the proceeds to the "It gets better" project ( I wrote them an email (you can too, if you'd like: to let them know they should stick to selling stylish, affordable clothing, and that for a large amount of time, I will be shopping elsewhere. They currently collaborate with several activist groups (partnering with The American Red Cross Operation: Care & Comfort, to collect donated items for care packages to send to our troops overseas, and others), so they should continue to advocate things are good rather than promote and condone things that are harmful and unhealthy.

If you leave a comment, please be courteous. Thank you :)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Trip to Savannah

My parents came for a visit in late March/early April and we took a short trip to Savannah. What a beautiful town! We especially loved Forsyth Park which was close enough to the house we rented to walk to. I can't imagine having such a lovely space to play in everyday:

Something suspicious hanging from the tree...

Our little family

Nana and the little doll

Tybee Island was windy and COLD! Fun to see the Atlantic Ocean for the first time :)

We had a sweet time with Nana and Papa here!